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The MOA Foundation Legacy Giving Program

The MOA Foundation Board of Directors recently approved launching a new program called the MOA Foundation Legacy Giving Program. This program provides a way for members of the MOA community to designate the MOA Foundation Legacy Giving Fund as a beneficiary of their estate through their will or living trust. The Legacy Giving Fund will be used to build and maintain national motorcycle safety awareness designed to save motorcyclists lives through education and training, to expand the GEARS program which benefits new riders with the important skills and confidence needed to be a successful motorcyclist, to grow the Paul B scholarship to encourage continued rider education and advanced skills development, and to establish and maintain a motorcycle historic museum to preserve the rich heritage for the future.

Please consider helping to ensure that the foundation programs, including advancing rider safety, education and training and the preservation of the history of our sport, will continue to benefit the future of our riding community through the MOA Foundation Legacy Giving Program. To learn more about how you can participate in planned giving to the MOA Foundation Legacy Giving Program, visit the MOA Foundation website for details.